219 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Overall Stats
Ranking Score 817
H Rating 23%
Win Ratio 6.9% (2/29 games)
Players Played 166
Players Eliminated 19
Average game size 6.7
Last Game Played 19th Apr 2012 20:32
Game Win Ratios
2 Player Games 0.0% (0/2 games)
4 Player Games 12.5% (1/8 games)
6 Player Games 14.3% (1/7 games)
7 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
8 Player Games 0.0% (0/5 games)
9 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
10 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
12 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
15 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
Board Name Ranking Score Points H Rating Played Won Win Ratio Last Played
4Play 1046 75% 2 1 50.0% 2011-08-09 17:26
Assassin 980 1 0 0.0% 2011-05-23 14:02
Axes and Allies 984 2 0 0.0% 2011-10-20 13:02
Biohazard 979 1 0 0.0% 2011-05-01 15:25
Bloom 980 1 0 0.0% 2011-05-26 00:57
Capitalism 961 2 0 0.0% 2011-07-28 19:11
Colossal Crusade 986 1 0 0.0% 2012-04-19 20:32
Crossword 980 1 0 0.0% 2011-05-19 09:55
Gotham 984 1 0 0.0% 2011-08-15 00:19
Koprulu Sector 986 1 0 0.0% 2011-10-24 19:50
My Kingdom 918 5 0 0.0% 2012-01-11 00:25
Of Kings and Men 979 1 0 0.0% 2011-08-17 22:14
Olympics 980 1 0 0.0% 2011-11-04 00:52
Pangaea: Rise of the Chimp 986 1 0 0.0% 2011-09-21 22:38
Plink 982 1 0 0.0% 2011-07-23 09:43
The French Resistance 982 1 0 0.0% 2011-12-19 19:03
The Maze 981 1 0 0.0% 2011-05-26 16:25
Torus 982 1 0 0.0% 2011-07-16 08:09
WarGear Warfare 1042 63% 4 1 25.0% 2011-11-09 19:19